This program works through your method of treatment, asking about some of the issues that could lead to treatment failure. This may be useful if you are not sure whether your treatment was good enough to eradicate lice, or if you have had a treatment failure and want to check where it might have been inadequate. If you use different methods for different groups of sheep then evaluate each method separately.
The program calculates the probability of eradication of lice, if they were present. It does not attempt to estimate whether lice were actually present or not. Use the Short Wool Lice Tool to assess the risk that the flock had lice.
Click on the Start button below to begin, then use the Next button to proceed through the stages. Should you wish to change any options chosen in previous stages then use the Back button to step backwards and modify your selections.
Lice treatment after last shearing
Type of dip
Chemical used
Reason for treatment
Complete muster
Shearing time
Cleanly shorn
Extras unshorn or untreated?
Ewe Shearing & treatment?
Lamb Treatment?
Dose rate
Sheep weight
Longest period between shearing and backlining
Longest period between shearing and dipping
Was every sheep re-mustered for dipping?
Dip/Sump volume
Topping up including continuous replenishment
Dip dilution
Dipping out
Swim length in the dip
Was the volume in the dip always enough?
Number of times sheep dunked
Type of dip?
Pump pressure?
Boom rotation speed (rpm)?
Check top nozzle function?
Did the boom cover the entire area?
Could the sheep move in the dip?
How long were the sheep in the shower?
In how many years has an SP been used over the last 5 years
Any lice after SPs on this property
SP resistance on this property or neighbours
In how many years has an IGR been used over the last 5 years
Any lice after IGRs on this property
IGR resistance on this property or neighbours