Treatment of ewes about to lamb or with lambs at foot makes eradication more difficult.
This section is only for use after you have decided to treat breeding ewes. It suggests the type of treatment for the ewes and considers whether their lambs may also require treatment.
Click on the Start button below to begin, then use the Next button to proceed through the stages. Should you wish to change any options chosen in previous stages then use the Back button to step backwards and modify your selections.
Select responses to see all suitable product options. Note that Fluralaner is effective in all lengths of wool and will be presented as an option regardless of responses.
Will the ewes be treated within 6 weeks after shearing?
How long will it be before the ewes are shorn?
What is the breeding stage of these ewes?
When will the lambs be shorn?
When will the ewes be shorn and treated?
Can the ewes be dipped?
Lambs shorn at weaning
Lambs not shorn until after weaning